Tuesday, December 30, 2008

manage your cellphone bill.

Check for Extraneous Charges

An informed and aggressive subscriber can get any carrier to apply retroactive credits for services like roadside assistance and handset insurance if they've gone unused.

Look for Premium Text and Content Charges.

There are predatory players out on the Internet who lure unwitting subscribers to sign up for their services and bill through the carriers' systems.

Don't Pay for Text and Data Plans if You Don't Need To.

Many subscribers are sold these plans when they sign up for service, but don't use them enough to warrant a monthly plan. Some quick math will tell you if you're one of them.

Make Sure You're Billed for the Right Plan

Nights and weekends should be free. If you've used fewer minutes than your plan allotment, you should not be charged overages.

"Right-Size" Your Plan

It's nearly impossible for any subscriber to keep track of all of the plans on the market and to find the best one. It's even tougher for businesses with hundreds or thousands of service plans.

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