Monday, October 3, 2011

Climate Change Summit...Build up to COP17

Over the past week I attended the summit on Climate Change and I learned how harmful the human footprint is to the environment it inhabits. It has always been a casual topic for me to debate on, I even collected the “Idiot guide on global warming” amongst other things I read.
Anyway, few serious issues we highlighted namely water, health agriculture and biodiversity. Different commissions and forums handled different aspect to come up with a Free State Province’s resolution ahead the global summit organised by the UN in Durban later in this year (December). Yes, South Africa has other priorities such as education, unemployment and poverty to deal with, but how these challenges are interlinked to the environment cannot be ignored.

In depth discussion in depth the impact of how degraded the ecosystem gets and so on, greenhouse gases, species composition, rainfall variations and many more.  The threat also poses economic opportunities from agro-climate friendly jobs to scientific opportunities to redesign and come up with new innovative creations,which also impact negatively to the environment.

The MEC stressed how people should change their attitude and start to think of the consequences of their action towards the environment and ecosystem.
He jokingly said people would be like: “even Jesus Christ could not change the world, so who am I.” Only you, know.
Remember “Save tomorrow, today”.


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